17 MARTIE 2025 - Monitorul de Galați - Ediție regională de sud-est Galați Brăila Buzău Constanța Tulcea Vrancea
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ONLINE ADD 01.06.2021, Galati City
ONLINE ADD 01.06.2021, Galati City

Executive Committee of Izmail City Council in partnership with Odessa Regional Council, Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion” and Tulcea County Administrative Territorial Unit throughout Tulcea County Council announces the launching of the project “CLEAN RIVER”, founded by the European Union through Joint Operational Programme Romania- Ukraine 2014-2020, with ENI co-financing amounting to 4.353.696 euro, meaning 20.733.606,46 lei. “CLEAN RIVER” project overall objective is the Prevention and exclusion of emergency situations caused by man-made disasters in sewage systems in Danube Delta border area. The specific objectives of the project are: SO1: prevention of emergency situations caused by man-made disasters by improving the water sewage system infrastructure located in the proximity of Danube Delta Border area throughout construction, rehabilitation and modernization works of 11,226 km sewage network, 2 pumping station set up in Izmail city and Izmail District and rehabilitation of 1,114 km sewage network and 2 waste water treatment plants of Tulcea County Hospital; SO2: Enhancing the stakeholders capacity to prevent, monitoring and control of emergency situations caused by man-made disaster in Danube Delta Border area throughout implementation of joint cross border actions: setting up 1 Joint Monitoring System, development of 1 Joint Cross-border Investment Euroregion Strategy and 1 common Capacity Building Program. The project “CLEAN RIVER ”will be implemented in the period 29 June 2019 - 28 June 2022. On 02.06.2021, at Odessa, in the conference hall of Odessa City Council, 2D, Cosovscaya str., Odessa Region, Ukraine will be organized Workshop starting with 09:00. For more information, contact person is: Mr. Bogos Octavian- Project coodinator B2, phone: 0040771613514, e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 is financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument and co-financed by the participating countries in the Programme.

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